Alright, so after much struggling with my camera and uploading it to youtube, here is the proof some of you demanded.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
New pic and video on the way!

Hey all!
Ok, so I got some doubters, which I understand. You can never be sure these days. Here's a new pic, which I know it doesn't prove anything, but tomorrow I'll have a video uploaded. I was going to post it tonight but I'm having some troubles with my camera and I'm getting frustrated. And it's late. And I'm tired. So check back tomorrow! It'll probably be posted in the afternoon so check back then!
X360 Girl
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Thank you soooooo much to the people who donated!!! I got two donations, and the total is at $6.19 (after the paypal fees). We're on our way! <3
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Button added!
Alright, so I got the donation button added. Pretty easy. I was thinking that everyone who donates gets a spot on my friends list! So if you donate leave a comment with your gamertag!
Friday, March 7, 2008
The idea: Assist in a quest for revenge
Hi and welcome to my blog!
Oh gee, where do I begin? Well, about a year ago I met what I thought was the perfect guy. He was kind, caring, and best of all...he introduced me to Halo. Well, Halo 3 to be exact. I have to admit, at first I was doubtful when he told me he had spent over 400 dollars on a video game system. Like a typical girl I thought : 'Typical boy, spending all his money on a toy when he can hardly afford his rent.'
But one day I saw Uno flash across the screen while he was flipping through some menus. My curiosity piqued, I asked if I could play. Ecstatic that I showed even just a little bit of interest, he quickly handed me the controller. I was instantly hooked.
So about 2 or 3 months of this went by, me coming over and playing Uno till I was ready to leave. And then I started hearing him talking about this game, Halo 3, to all his friends. They were all very excited about it coming out, and were even going to go get it at midnight. Again, like a typical girl I thought : 'Typical boys, getting all excited over another 'shoot everything that moves' game.'
About a week after Halo came out, and after getting sick of it interrupting my Uno games, I decided to see what all the fuss was about. At first I wasn't impressed. I couldn't aim at all, the whole two joysticks thing was hard for me to get used to. But my boyfriend insisted that I stick with it, and that eventually I would get better.
And I did get better. Boy, did I ever. I got so good he wouldn't play me anymore, he even stopped playing Halo altogether, claiming he was 'sick of it'. So, my Uno sessions were replaced by Halo sessions.
And then one day when I came over for my Slayer fix, I noticed something strange sitting on the TV. It was the xbox camera. I asked why he bought it. He told me he got it for Uno. After that, I thought nothing more of it.
But soon after that our relationship seemed to start to fall apart. When I would call before I came over he would always have some excuse as to why I shouldn't come over. He was becoming distant. And then one day, when I finally did manage to come over for some Halo, he received a message from someone on his friends list. I read it. It was someone thanking him for a great time the night before and they said they were looking forward to the next time they could get together.
My heart broken, I got up and left. He called and called, but I never answered. The voice mails were full of excuses. As time went by they got more and more outrageous. And then eventually he admitted to cheating, with some troll he met on Live no less. He begged for forgiveness, but I couldn't forgive him. I didn't feel he was really sorry.
My feelings were correct, because 3 weeks later one of his friends informed me that this Live skank had moved in with him.
Enough time has gone by and my heart is mended, but something is still missing.
Halo 3.
I'm just about to finish my first year of my English degree and I don't have enough time to hold a job. So, as you can guess I don't have much spending money. That's where you guys come in! I'm calling upon the power and charity of the internet to buy me an Xbox. I'm no math major but I figure if I could just get 400 people to donate one dollar I would have enough. And once back on Live I'm going to own that cheating jerk and his shack up honey.
This post took longer than I expected and it's getting late, so I'll make the paypal account tomorrow and flesh out the site some more. Maybe I'll even add a picture of me.
I'm excited. I need my Halo fix, and I need my revenge.
Who knows, maybe I'll meet someone on Live too. That'd really tick him off.
X360 Girl
Oh gee, where do I begin? Well, about a year ago I met what I thought was the perfect guy. He was kind, caring, and best of all...he introduced me to Halo. Well, Halo 3 to be exact. I have to admit, at first I was doubtful when he told me he had spent over 400 dollars on a video game system. Like a typical girl I thought : 'Typical boy, spending all his money on a toy when he can hardly afford his rent.'
But one day I saw Uno flash across the screen while he was flipping through some menus. My curiosity piqued, I asked if I could play. Ecstatic that I showed even just a little bit of interest, he quickly handed me the controller. I was instantly hooked.
So about 2 or 3 months of this went by, me coming over and playing Uno till I was ready to leave. And then I started hearing him talking about this game, Halo 3, to all his friends. They were all very excited about it coming out, and were even going to go get it at midnight. Again, like a typical girl I thought : 'Typical boys, getting all excited over another 'shoot everything that moves' game.'
About a week after Halo came out, and after getting sick of it interrupting my Uno games, I decided to see what all the fuss was about. At first I wasn't impressed. I couldn't aim at all, the whole two joysticks thing was hard for me to get used to. But my boyfriend insisted that I stick with it, and that eventually I would get better.
And I did get better. Boy, did I ever. I got so good he wouldn't play me anymore, he even stopped playing Halo altogether, claiming he was 'sick of it'. So, my Uno sessions were replaced by Halo sessions.
And then one day when I came over for my Slayer fix, I noticed something strange sitting on the TV. It was the xbox camera. I asked why he bought it. He told me he got it for Uno. After that, I thought nothing more of it.
But soon after that our relationship seemed to start to fall apart. When I would call before I came over he would always have some excuse as to why I shouldn't come over. He was becoming distant. And then one day, when I finally did manage to come over for some Halo, he received a message from someone on his friends list. I read it. It was someone thanking him for a great time the night before and they said they were looking forward to the next time they could get together.
My heart broken, I got up and left. He called and called, but I never answered. The voice mails were full of excuses. As time went by they got more and more outrageous. And then eventually he admitted to cheating, with some troll he met on Live no less. He begged for forgiveness, but I couldn't forgive him. I didn't feel he was really sorry.
My feelings were correct, because 3 weeks later one of his friends informed me that this Live skank had moved in with him.
Enough time has gone by and my heart is mended, but something is still missing.
Halo 3.
I'm just about to finish my first year of my English degree and I don't have enough time to hold a job. So, as you can guess I don't have much spending money. That's where you guys come in! I'm calling upon the power and charity of the internet to buy me an Xbox. I'm no math major but I figure if I could just get 400 people to donate one dollar I would have enough. And once back on Live I'm going to own that cheating jerk and his shack up honey.
This post took longer than I expected and it's getting late, so I'll make the paypal account tomorrow and flesh out the site some more. Maybe I'll even add a picture of me.
I'm excited. I need my Halo fix, and I need my revenge.
Who knows, maybe I'll meet someone on Live too. That'd really tick him off.
X360 Girl
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